GH Manufacturing starts annual United Way campaign

There were smiles all around as GH Manufacturing kicked off their annual United Way Campaign today. Staff were treated to coffee and doughnuts from Tim Hortons and gathered to learn about this year’s fundraising events.
Each year, the company pledges to support the United Way through a variety of fundraisers. This year, the company’s United Way Committee has planned a silent auction, bake sale, a pyjama and pizza day, and several draws. They’ve already held a used book sale and several gift basket draws throughout the year.
President Günther Huettlin encouraged employees to consider payroll deductions, adding that the company would match donations.
“It’s not the United Way we are supporting, no, it’s the people they help that we are supporting.”
This year the company is striving to raise 1% of the United Way’s $2 million dollar goal.
If your business would like to consider donating an item to the silent auction, please contact